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Haiti is a very needy country, and the people of Haiti look to Christian missionaries for help.  We try, but are not able to meet all of the needs.


These are a few of our many needs:

  • Our greatest need is for children of the Most High God to PRAY for us!  We are able to do nothing on our own.  Absolutely everything depends on the Lord.  Please keep us in prayer.  

  • Our Director, Sherrie Fausey, is 70 years old.  We want God to send us a new Director who can carry on Sherrie’s mission and vision with a smooth transition for Staff and Students.

  • We need people who are willing to sacrifice their lives to Jesus and come to Haiti full time.   We need a Children’s Home Director, Plant Supervisor, Teachers, Nutrition Supervisor, Visitor’s Coordinator, School Director, Office Manager and many others.  We need YOU!

  • Many of our staff are still in very poor housing situations.  For $5,000 we can build a small house on their property.  We must continue building these little houses for our staff.  

  • We need sponsors for our children.  Most of our children do not have a sponsor.  Contact us to ask for more information about a child or children you would like to support in part or entirely.

  • We need short term teams to come in and work for a week or maybe two at a time.  What could you do?  Finish construction, teach Bible, teach a skill such as sewing or carpentry, do repairs, hold a medical clinic, hold a dental clinic (we have a dental unit and compressor), take children on field trips, teach teachers, do eye exams, build furniture, teach parenting skills, etc.  The needs are endless.  You could stay in our guest rooms.  See "Short Term Volunteers" page for more information about our facility for guests.

  • We need a tin roof over our dining room.  We prefer a tin roof because it will be higher and let in more light.  A concrete ceiling would echo.  Temporarily, we have enjoyed some relief from the sun with shades, but they are beginning to fall apart.  We really need a solid roof.

  • Financial help for Christian Light School, Inc. has been amazing through the years.  But, that essential aid is now being divided among other ministries in Haiti.  Most of those other missionaries originally came to work at Christian Light School, but then split off to start missions of their own.  We are thrilled and excited to see these other missions get started, but we need new financial donors to replace the ones who are now supporting those new missions that branched out from Christian Light School.

  • The Children’s Home needs everything.  Toys and clothes for children ages 1 to 6, sheets, towels, furniture, curtains, appliances, everything.  We especially need a loving Director.  The tile on the floors keeps breaking.  We need the tiles removed and replaced with simple painted concrete floors.

  • There is a narrow ledge along a wall in the ravine that is very dangerous.  Children and adults have fallen off into the nasty trash and rocks in the filthy water.  We need someone to design a plan that will widen the ledge area to make it safe for both children and adults, and then someone will need to build it for us.

The Ledge
Sherrie on the Ledge
The Ledge
Making their way along the Ledge
The Ledge
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